Taking care of the skin is essential to maintain its health and good appearance and the night time is ideal for having a skincare routine. It is during this period that the cells enter recovery mode, making much better use of the properties of the products.

Do you want to start a skincare routine, but you have some questions: How many products do you have to use? Which ones are right for your skin? In what order should you be applying these products? And what do those products even do?

Here, you will know the best habits to have a beauty and skin care routine at night and leave your skin radiant 24 hours a day. Check out the tips!

What is a skincare routine?

First of all, do you know what a skincare routine is? The term skincare comes from English and, literally translated, means skin care. That is, skincare routine is nothing more than a skin care routine.

What is skincare for?

Now that you know what skincare is, you may also understand what skincare is for, right? This skin care routine has as main objective to keep it healthy and beautiful.

Of course, depending on the skin type, age and other factors, the skincare routine can be adapted and the desired results will also change. A person with oily and acne-prone skin, for example, may want to control oiliness and the appearance of acne. An older person with more mature skin may have the goal of reducing expression lines. 

Why take care of the skin before bed?

During the night, skin cells undergo a recovery process called a circadian cycle. It is at that moment that they eliminate toxins and recover tissues from all the damage they have suffered throughout the day. This cycle is more intense in the period between 22h and two in the morning, when there is no sun.

So the first step in the skincare routine should be to remove all makeup as soon as you get home and clean any residue of pollution, cigarette smoke or other impurities that reach the skin throughout the day. The accumulation of dirt hinders the skin’s regeneration process and prevents it from absorbing skincare products.

How to have a skin routine?

There are countless ways to take care of your skin at night, but in order to have real results, it is necessary to create a beauty and skin care routine and follow it with discipline.

The best way to come up with a skincare routine that works for you is by consulting with a dermatologist. You can get tips on products and habits with friends or even with influencers, but only by knowing your own skin and its specificities is that this ritual will really bring good results.

Oh, and be patient! The results of any skincare product start to be visible after, more or less, two weeks of continuous use.

1. Remove makeup

As we have already said, the first step in your skin care ritual should be to remove all the makeup from your face before going to sleep. The base particles, lipstick and eyeshadow usually have oils and waxes that can clog your pores, leading to the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

 you can do this cleaning with common makeup removers, whether they are biphasic, in handkerchiefs or as you prefer.

2. Wash your face

After removing your makeup, it’s time to boost the cleansing of your face with a soap, cleansing gel, micellar water, in short, with a cleaning product specific to your skin type.

Gel and astringent products are most recommended for faces with mixed to oily skin. Those who have more dry skin should look for moisturizing and foam products.

Another good recommendation for your skincare routine is to bet on a cleaning brush. They increase the effectiveness of hygiene as they are able to bring the deepest impurities from the skin to the surface and eliminate them, leaving the pores much cleaner and preparing the skin to receive skincare products.

3. Exfoliate the skin

With exfoliating products, you can do a deeper cleaning, removing dead cells, unclogging pores and promoting cell renewal. Exfoliation increases the penetration capacity of the moisturizer into the skin, controls sebum production and can even improve superficial stains.

However, depending on the type of skin, it is recommended that the frequency of this activity is, at most, twice a week. To find out what is right for you, see a dermatologist.

To exfoliate your skin without harming it, avoid homemade solutions, such as sugar with honey, as the granules are irregular and can end up hurting you. With a suitable product, the correct thing is to apply it in a circular motion and without putting too much pressure on the skin or generating a lot of friction.

4. Apply a facial tonic

This is where the cleansing of the skin is finished. With the tonic, you remove the last impurities that remain on the pores, balance the pH of the skin and prepare the face to receive the treatments that follow.

The product responsible for this function is the tonic. When choosing the product to use in this step, remember to always avoid tonics that contain alcohol among its ingredients. They can end up dehydrating the skin.

5. Use an eye cream

Did you know that the skin around the eyes is 10 times thinner than the rest of the skin on the face? In addition, this is the first region to show signs of aging.

Because it is thinner and more sensitive, the skin around the eyes suffers more from the lack of hydration and the action of external agents, such as solar radiation and pollution. This region needs special attention in your skincare routine, so you need to invest in eye care products.

6. Choosing a facial

It is at this stage that you will replenish the skin’s hydration and nutrients, facilitating the cell regeneration process and enhancing the effects of rest.

To do this, look for products that will help with the specific characteristics of your skin. If your skin is dry, for example, prefer masks, creams, in short, moisturizing skincare products. If we’re talking about mature skin, anti-aging products are sure to be preferred.

7. Moisturize

All skin types need hydration, from the oily to the driest. Hydration replenishes water and an oily skin is not necessarily a hydrated skin – and even hydration helps to control oiliness!

What changes between moisturizing dry and oily skin is the product used, its formula and texture. A gel moisturizer, gel-cream, or even an oil free cream moisturizer, for example, may be better for oily skin. They are lighter and easier to be absorbed.

This is the last step of the skincare routine that gives the skin a natural glow and radiance. Hydration also helps to prevent blemishes, make the skin firmer and more elastic and minimize pores and fine lines.

Following these steps, your skin will be super well cared for and naturally beautiful!

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