If you’ve ever had açaí or red wine, you must have noticed right away how your smile turned purple and your mouth stained, right? Generally, a good brushing followed by a mouthwash will solve the problem, but, if taken frequently, the teeth can be darkened altogether and it is more complicated to make them white again with just cream and a brush.

“It’s easy to identify foods that can darken teeth because they have dark colors. However, the stain will depend on the type of food, the frequency of consumption and hygiene habits of each one”, explains the professional specialized in dentistry.


Did you know that the color of your teeth comes from an inner layer and not what we see? That layer is the dentin. Tooth enamel works as a dentin protector and when this enamel is affected, the problem appears. The tooth is more exposed, increasing the chances of absorbing the pigments of what we eat. That’s why it’s important to clean yourself right after. “Toothbrushing helps a lot if done frequently and correctly, as it removes dyes from the surface of the teeth, preventing darkening over the years”


Acidity can also cause blemishes. Do you know the soda that accompanies your pizza on the weekend? He can be a villain to your smile just like citrus fruits. The excess of very acidic foods increases the chances of the tooth suffering from the action of pigments, as the enamel is attacked, losing minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the entire mouth.

If you don’t give up coffee after lunch, make up for it with enhanced oral hygiene afterwards. A mouthwash with water also helps to prevent dyes or acidity from remaining in the mouth, in addition to helping the saliva work to replace the tooth’s minerals that had been lost. With acidic foods, wait between 10 and 20 minutes to brush your teeth.


Dentistry, also known as cosmetic dentistry, is the specialty that rescues the smile and self-esteem of many people. In this way, health and beauty must go hand in hand. “A healthy mouth is an aesthetically attractive mouth. Dentistry is in constant evolution in order to improve the appearance of the smile while maintaining healthy structures” comments the dentist. Tooth whitening is an option for those who have permanent stains that brushing no longer resolves on its own. “Bleaching is indicated as the first option as it is a safe and effective treatment when done within the technical indications”.

If you are looking for a safe and effective option, find Candid. When you start with CandidPro, you’ll get the smile you’ve always dreamed of in the care of the doctor you trust.

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Find out below some foods more likely to stain your teeth with excessive consumption:

  • Fruits: lemon, orange, kiwi, pineapple, tangerine, blackberry, blueberry (blueberry);
  • Drinks: coffee, black tea, soft drinks, effervescent vitamins, grape juice, red wine;
  • Others: soy sauce, beets, ketchup. 

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