The mirror is one of the few unanimous accessories in architecture: it matches all styles of environments and fits well in rooms of all sizes. Colors and textures aren’t an issue either.

To gain prominence, the secret is in the frame and in the dimension. The bigger the piece, the better – especially when the intention is to increase the ambience. Here are ten tips for using this element in your home decor:

1- Integrate frame style with room style

Mirrors are a great device to decorate because they are the type of piece that adapts perfectly to the environment, regardless of color or style.

2- Use to increase space

Placing a mirror that spans the entire wall is an effective tactic for giving an idea of ​​breadth.

3- Place mirrors on cabinet doors

Great solution for those who don’t have space. The accessory does not need to be on the inside door, it can be placed on the outside door as well.

4- Use on furniture as a variation on glass

But be careful for the look not to be overdone: just don’t load too much on the colors and textures of the rest of the decor.

5- Use multiple fragments instead of a single piece

“The mirror can be cut to different sizes, vertically or horizontally. It’s more for decorative purposes, it gives an idea of ​​movement”, say the architects.

6- Combine different pieces

You can place a panel occupying one of the walls and install a smaller piece with an elaborate frame.

7- Mirror inside mirror is also valid

Either in two overlapping pieces or in one work piece. When there is no wooden frame, it is possible to draw a frame on the mirror with cutouts and reliefs. It doesn’t get heavy.

8- Mirrors in the entrance hall

This feature helps bring a dull corner like the lobby to life. It doesn’t take up much space and is providential for a final touch up before leaving the house.

9- Invest in a mirror in the hallway

The accessory replaces a frame and gives a sense of depth.

10- Take a look at the bathroom mirror

In the bathroom, he’s a staple – but his style doesn’t have to be basic. You can make a special effort in the frame or in a beveled detail, a kind of bas-relief border. And those who don’t like the “dressing room” lights around the piece can opt for a more romantic arrangement.

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