Each family celebrates the holiday season in their own way, according to their religion or customs, for example. However, if there is one thing that is practically unanimous in all homes, it is gifts! In addition to the delicious treats at the supper, for many little ones, the month of December means a time to receive packages full of surprises.

Dolls, carts, clothes, bicycles, scooters… There are many options for the kids! Therefore, parents and guardians often have to work hard to find the ideal present in time. But what if this year you did it differently? Have you ever thought about giving reading moments as a gift? Check out 6 reasons why you can give books to your family this Christmas!

6 reasons to give away books this Christmas

1. Books are a little piece of us

When we give someone a book, we give a little bit of our own too. Even though we choose the work according to the recipient’s preferences, we always put a little bit of our eyes on it.

So even after reading and rereading the story, and putting it away on the shelf, whenever we pick up a book, we remember who gave it to us. Even more so when it comes with a super special dedication!

2. Books provide moments of affection

Books provide unforgettable experiences. In that sense, when we give someone books as a gift, we connect with them even more. Whether to tell you why you chose that work or when you book a coffee to talk about the story.

For children, books allow for moments of connection, such as telling and retelling the story to the little ones. In other words, books are much more than books: they are moments of shared affection and love!

See more book tips here! 

3. Books expand our worldview

Wonderland, Neverland, the kingdom of Arendelle, the country of Narnia… When we present someone with a book, we have the chance to introduce that person to new worlds! We can deliver a package full of stories and adventures in the most diverse places, with the most varied characters and at different times.

So, more than just a gift, books are a ticket to embark on a journey. They are an invitation to discover other cultures and customs. And they are a door to other looks and different perspectives!

4. Books help children’s learning and development

If giving a book to an adult is cool, a child is even better! That’s because, in addition to representing moments of fun and affection in the family, books contribute a lot to the development of the little ones.

Reading collaborates, among other things, with the development of speech and the literacy process, for example. Therefore, giving away books is very important for children!

5. Books stimulate curiosity, imagination, empathy and emotional intelligence

In addition to contributing to the learning and development of the little ones, books are great stimuli for a fuller childhood. With the stories, children exercise the ability to put themselves in the other’s shoes, let their imaginations fly far away and learn to deal with the most diverse emotions and situations in life. Hey book lovers

Children’s books are safe places to introduce children to issues that may seem too complicated to parents. Thus, with a light and playful language, these themes can be assimilated in a more natural and peaceful way by the little ones and the little ones.

6. Books are forever!

If there’s something that’s sure to go on forever, it’s a book. Unlike other things in our lives that go by, “go out of date”, spoil or wear out over time, books stay. They stay to finish or read again another day, they stay to consult that quote we love so much, they stay so we can share them with those we love, and they stay so that, in posterity, we can pass them on to our children.

Only those who love a good book know how difficult it is to part with it, even if only for a few days. Even after being crushed, highlighted, decorated and devoured several times, they continue to be our darlings, lovingly kept in our library and in our hearts!


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