Are you planning your trip and don’t know where to start choosing the best hotel to stay? Check out these tips.

Today, choosing a hotel can be a tricky thing. There are different options and making a decision is not always an easy task.

There are hotels that offer a complete travel experience and others that provide a privileged location. There are places of peace and tranquility and establishments of hype and excitement. There are also hotels that are a true paradise and others that end up disappointing their guests.

To help you choose the ideal hotel, we have created some incredible tips for your next family vacation. Let’s check it out?

1. Set your priorities

Before choosing the hotel where you will be staying, it is necessary to define your priorities and the purpose of your trip.

For example, if the goal is to have peace and quiet and you are going to travel to the beach, the ideal is to opt for a hotel that is on the seafront and that offers services such as towel rental and massages for its guests.

Now, if you are traveling for business, the ideal is to opt for accommodation that is in a quiet environment and that is in a central location, close to the place where your main activities will be carried out.

Listing what is most important to you and your trip will allow you to define options and choose the ideal hotel in a more objective way.

2. Take a good look at the location

The location of a hotel is very important, especially in cases where the trip has a more limited budget. After all, spending money on car rentals and taxis can restrict tours, meals and other experiences that could make your trip unforgettable.

Always choose hotels that are close to your points of interest, whether they are tourist or professional.

Another option is to search the address of the hotel in which you are interested in Google Maps and observe what is around it. If there are many options for food and entertainment, this can be the ideal place to stay on your trip.

In large cities that have a subway and a wide public transport network, staying close to the stations allows you to move around the place without very high expenses and still avoiding traffic – after all, it is your vacation!

3. Research what people say about the chosen hotel

It is good practice to research the reviews of guests who have previously passed through the selected hotel. They can help you assess whether that is the right place for you or not.

Not all stays are perfect and it may be that a specific problem has happened to the hotel, such as a power outage, for example. Therefore, you need to carefully evaluate the comments you want to consider.

If 3 or more different reviews point to a problem or speak of a negative aspect of the hotel, it is good to take them seriously.

This is also a good way to find tips and recommendations from other tourists who have visited the region.

4. Look for alternative images

Who has never been to a fast-food restaurant and realized that the snack received did not match very well with the photos on the menu? These images are always overproduced so that customers can see what they have in each snack and feel compelled to make a purchase.

The same is true with hotels. Images of rooms, lobbies or living spaces are also produced.

So, search for review sites, like TripAdvisor and Trivago, looking for images that were taken by users and other hotel guests. A good tip is to search for the name of the establishment where you intend to stay on social networks, such as Instagram. That way, you will be able to directly see the images of people who stayed there.

Another option is to search for the address on Google Street View and “stroll” around, even from your computer. In some establishments, it is also possible to view the living areas through the tool.

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